SNSC & Thomas More Society Encourage Choirs To Perform Near Nativity Scene in Illinois Rotunda
by Judy Cleary, staff writer
For the third year in a row, the Springfield Nativity Scene Committee (SNSC) will sponsor a crèche that will stand in the Illinois state capitol Rotunda building this Christmas season. The Chicago-based Thomas More Society (TMS) has underwritten the Nativity scene project since its inception in 2008. Tom Brejcha, a member of the SNSC and its legal counsel, is president of the Thomas More Society. Both Daniel Zanoza, Chairman of the Springfield Nativity Scene Committee; and Tom Brejcha would like to invite any groups or churches who have choirs to perform in the state capitol Rotunda during the month of December near the Nativity scene display.
"It would be wonderful if other groups and churches who have choirs would take the opportunity to perform in what is truly a beautiful setting," said Zanoza. "The historic back drop of the state capitol, combined with the spirit of the season, truly makes for a wonderful experience. Therefore, the SNSC and TMS would like to encourage other choirs who might be interested in performing in the state capitol after November 30th to take the opportunity to do so."
The Springfield Nativity Scene will again stand in the center of the Illinois Rotunda. An opening day ceremony will be held on Tuesday, November 30th from 12 Noon until 1 P.M. The public is invited to attend the festivities. The combined choirs of St. Alexander Catholic Church of Villa Park will perform Christmas carols during the hour-long program.
"It's not a hard process for those interested in having their own 'ceremony' in the state capitol," said Brejcha. "All that's needed is a permit from the Secretary of State's office. Churches or choir directors can contact the Sec. of State's office directly, in order to obtain the necessary permit."
Last year, the SNSC's opening day festivities drew a standing room only crowd to the Illinois state capitol where those present sang along with the Joyful Senior Singers + Ringers from the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Decatur.
The primary reason the SNSC sponsors a Nativity scene is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ and America's Judeo-Christian heritage. The crèche also demonstrates the expression of religious faith in the public square is still alive and well in America. The Springfield state capitol Nativity scene is constitutional because it is privately funded and temporary in nature.
It must be noted that musical segments of any event held in the capitol Rotunda can only take place between 12 Noon and 1 P.M.
For more information for those interested in obtaining their own permit to put together a musical program to be performed by the Nativity scene, e-mail the Springfield Nativity Scene Committee at [email protected] or call Sec. of State Jesse White's office at 1-800-252-8980 and ask for the Special Events Department.
For those interested in making a contribution to support the Springfield Nativity Scene Committee, please go to:
For Immediate Release: Third Annual Nativity Scene To Stand In Illinois State Capitol [posted October 18, 2010] at
Nativity Scene To Stand For Third Year In A Row in Illinois State Capitol [posted August 25, 2010]
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